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Listings at Le Marche Guide

Showing listings 1-8 of 220
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How it works

Le Marche Guide is a guiding website to find places, activities, events and cities in le Marche. Here people can find their way around to shops, restaurants, hotels, beaches, cities and all other useful places to visit.


Login or create an account

In the menu, click on the login or Register item and follow the instructions. If you register a new account it is ready in a second and you do get a confirmation mail.


Login or create an account

Look around and when you are ready, create a Listing, Place or Event. You can create as many items a you want. Pay attention! Choose the right category.

– Listing:
is used for:
shops, restaurants, bars, organisations, services and more. Listings mostly have an owner and has 1 or more addresses on a fysical location you can visit.
– Place: is used for beaches, cities and locations without a specific address. This places people can visit. Mostly a place does not have an owner.  
– Event: is used for
local events that take place. They have date and time and are organized on a certain location.


Claim your own Listing, Place or Event

If you are the owner of the listing, place or if you are organising an event that is on the website, you can claim your listing, place or event. In that way you can edit and change the settings, images and other information on your listing, place or event.


LISTINGS are used for:
shops, restaurants, bars, organisations, services and more. Listings mostly have an owner and has 1 or more addresses on a fysical location you can visit.

PLACES are used for:
beaches, cities and locations without a specific address. This places people can visit. Mostly a place does not have an owner.  

EVENTS are used for:
local events that take place. They have a date and time and are organized on a certain location.

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Select what you want to find:
– Listings
– Events
– Places

And choose the category